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Health & Nutrition

This is for anyone who wants to know themselves better and have an objective view of your general health and fitness. You'll receive a detailed questionnaire to fill in which covers general medical history, lifestyle, eating habits and exercise patterns. We'll conduct a nutritional analysis based on your current eating habits. We'll then get together for an hour to discuss your goals and take biometric measurements, body composition analysis and blood pressure and identify any changes in your eating to help you be the healthiest you can be.


A logical next step is to set realistic goals to help you reach your ideal weight and fitness, feel and look healthier, have more energy and most importantly, start down the road of a sustainable fitness lifestyle!


At the end of the meeting, you can opt for an individually-tailored personal fitness plan or we'll part as friends, and you'll know yourself a little bit better and have some general guidelines to put in place yourself.

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