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About Me

For the last 20 years, fitness has been a lifestyle for me. Through the pure joy of a muddy forest run, to the challenges of multi-day endurance bike racing, triathlon or being the 3rd woman to summit Mt Kilimanjaro on a bicycle, I’ve had the opportunity to learn a great deal about fitness and nutrition. It’s no exaggeration to say that sport has completely changed and enhanced my life in every way.

A few years ago, the personal tragedy of losing twin baby girls 6 months into a pregnancy precipitated a change in my perspective on life. I felt a strong urge to spend my days doing something fulfilling that helped other people to be healthier and happier.

Fizz Fitness was conceived and through personal training, nutritional guidance and corrective exercise, I now have the daily reward of seeing people move and feel better, perform at a higher level than they though possible and gain a fresh confidence in themselves.

From personal experience, I know that the ripple effect of a fitness lifestyle goes well beyond a workout: it improves relationships, self-esteem, performance at work and brings a quality to life that is often surprising.

Fizz offers a supportive, motivating environment for individualised personal training, group workouts and corrective exercise. It helps you take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free life, applies the latest science to ensure you meet your goals, no matter how modest or lofty, in the safest and most effective way, and tracks progress to keep you motivated along the way.

I look forward to walking beside you on your own fitness journey!

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